
The best job in the world!

Danielle and l have the privilege of creating our products and living of our art with all the liberty we cherish to express our art at its maximum. We have created unique products highly appreciated by our customers. Quality is own distinction and our trading brand. The fidelity of our customers is our pride and our inspiration. It is this recognition that gives us the drive to achieve better and better standards even if we have numerous challenges.

Throughout the years we have deployed unsuspected efforts and energy to develop our trademark, our concept and new ways to see and present our leather products. Our efforts help us to constantly exceed our limits andit is for all these reasons that we believe that we practice the most beautiful job in the world.


My photoshoot experience

I really liked my experience of presenting my personal line of leather bags and my new executive line during a photoshooting. I love the fact that we create and manufacture our products that come from our province and our country. I truly never thought l would one day experience being the spokesperson of my own products. I am very proud of wearing my handbags and of being the model for this photoshooting. The photoshooting was a very moving experience to live. It left me thrilled and l felt like floating on the moon for a few days.

Our products, my creations are thought to make sure people will appropriate them and love to use on everyday bases. I hope they have the same pleasure l feel when I create and bring my products to life. For me, every creation is unique and l love to think that our artworks, our trademark travels through the world.